At TFK, we’re always on the lookout for new ingredients to try out, we like to read about how ingredients are used and what their health benefits might be, not only to share this information on our blog, but so that we too can learn…
Spicy Chocolate Sandwich Cookies
We got together with Kitty last week, for one of our TFK meetings in which we brainstorm about recipe ideas, projects and regular good old girl talk. We usually take advantage of our meetings to bake something and this was no exception. Lately, we’ve been…
Pescado Horneado con Tomates y Miltomate
In my everlasting quest to find good fish recipes (not a huge fan, but my husband likes it), I tried this baked fish recipe out and made a few changes by adding tomatillos that I had left from my previous recipe, and I added a…
Huevos en Canastas de Pan
Here’s a neat idea to serve eggs for breakfast! It works especially well when cooking for a crowd, you just fill out the bread baskets with raw eggs and pop them in the oven. You can bake up to 12 or so at a time,…
Ensalada de Aguacate y Elote con Vinagreta de Cilantro
I found THE BEST salad recipe! I know you will love this and it will become one of your favorites. I’ve already made this about 4 times. This is my kind of salad, a few chopped fresh vegetables and a tasteful vinaigrette, I’m still not…
Magdalena de Vanilla Glaseada
This is a great mid-afternoon Bundt Cake or breakfast cake even. It’s flavor is nice and subtle. The Vanilla beans take it to the next level. Make sure that you let the cake cool down for at least an hour in the pan. It comes…
Foodies Freebie: August 2012 Desktop Calendar
Here is our August 2012 Desktop! This gorgeous herb sale featuring Basil from Saratoga’s Farmer’s Market!
Beat the Heat! Ice Cream Desserts & Beverages
Need a little help cooling off? We’re having 75 degree temperatures in Guatemala, so I can’t complain. It’s rainy season now, so we usually have sunny mornings, rainy afternoons and chilly nights. However, it’s summer time in some parts of the world and it is…
Tostadas a la Francesa con infusión de Lavanda
Y así continúa mi obsesión por la lavanda. Todavía tengo mi pequeño frasco de lavanda Williams-Sonoma y Kitty, que recientemente voló a Nueva York, acaba de reabastecer mi despensa con un frasco nuevo. Espere más recetas de lavanda. Los siguientes en mi lista son el…