This Mug Cake is a quick no-fuss dessert that will make that craving for something sweet go away. Definitely a cake to share and to eat right away.
Frutas Guatemaltecas
Guatemala: the land of eternal Spring, that’s what our country is called. We’re blessed with beautiful weather all year round, and even on rainy days when our «winter’ is at its worst, you will probably have a sunny morning or an afternoon with blue skies.…
Enchiladas Guatemaltecas
Las enchiladas guatemaltecas se preparan cubriendo una tortilla frita (tostada) con lechuga, remolacha encurtida y una mezcla de vegetales, carne molida y salsa de tomate… y el último toque, una pizca de queso seco guatemalteco (queso seco).
The Foodies’ Kitchen ahora en Pinterest
We are pleased to announce that we have a new and shiny Pinterest account with all The Foodies’ Kitchen goodness for you to follow and pin!
Tarta Rústica de Loroco & Tomate
As our Independence Day festivities get closer, I wanted to try out a recipe that used a local staple ingredient to make a fusion dish. I knew I wanted that ingredient to be loroco. I thought up this recipe and I am glad to share…
Foodies Freebie: September 2012 Desktop Calendar
Here is our September 2012 Desktop! This set of small baskets are just one small token of the wonderful crafts we get here in Guatemala.
Pie Helado de Yogur & Melocotón
This is a sweet, light and very forgiving Yogurt Pie dessert, as it’s mainly yogurt, you feel like you’re cheating. You can mix and match different types of fruit (peaches, kiwi, strawberries.. any kind of berries!).
Vanilla Bean Snickerdoodles
Snickerdoodles are crispy on the outside and soft and gooey on the inside. The perfect mid afternoon cookies for the start of the school year!
Ensalada de Jícama
Jicama is a crispy, sweet, edible root that resembles a turnip in physical appearance, although the plants are not related. It has a unique flavor that lends itself well to salads, salsas, and vegetable platters. Have you ever tried Jicama Salad? Next time you see…