This watermelon smoothie is not only a thirst quencher, it is packed with flavor, vitamin C and antioxidants.
Lent and No-Meat Fridays
To help you plan your no-meat meals during lent,here is a list of our lent-friendly dishes.
Curried Carrot Soup
To give this carrot soup a little kick, try adding curry and a little cayenne pepper.
Mardi Gras Recipes – Blog Love
Sometimes we can’t cook for every occasion. So today, we are featuring the best Mardi Gras Recipes we found. Please visit all these sites, as they have amazing recipes and ideas all around!
New Collaborations: Cocina y Gastronomia, Mundo de Mamá and NaviLoop
The Foodies’ Kitchen is now collaborating in articles for Future Media Tech Content Network’s sites for the Spanish speaking community.
Roasted Eggplant Soup
This eggplant soup is a tasty alternative to try with eggplants. A delicious soup made from a mix of eggplants, vegetables, cream and cheese.
Luscious Chocolate Beet Cake
This Chocolate Beet Cake is a perfect way to sneak in some veggies while indulging on the chocolaty goodness of the cake!
Cream Puffs (Choux Pastry)
You can fill your choux pastry puffs with whipped cream, as a variation use pastry cream or ice cream. You can dust them with confectioner’s sugar, drizzle with melted chocolate or… my favorite, but I was too lazy to do it, with caramel.
Guest Foodie: Iveth Bodensteiner de Villanueva’s Croque Monsieur
Our friends Iveth and Mario (her husband) just moved to Colombia, so we have been keeping in touch through Facebook. While checking my newsfeed one night, I saw Iveth had posted a photo of what she had made for dinner. It was this Croque Monsieur…