I made a few changes to the Grilled Pesto Chicken Panini from Sandra Lee. Iserved it with the Grilled Mango and Grilled Eggplant a la…
Pollo con Salsa de Naranja y Pepitoria
I wanted to capture pepitoria taste in a sauce to serve with browned chicken. I used the whole pepitoria, which are basically pumpkin seeds, and…
Pita Sandwich with Olive Cheese
The Pita Sandwich is great for a light supper. The olive cheese is very flavorful and it balances out with all the vegetables in the…
Chicken with Mango & Kiwi Sauce
So, one monday afternoon I wanted to make something really nice for dinner. I thought: Chicken with a Mango sauce with a little Cayenne. Sounds…
Grilled Chicken with Roasted Tomato Salsa
I found this Grilled Chicken with Roasted Tomato Salsa recipe from one of my magazine subscriptions and thought it looked tasty, and my husband would…
Chicken & Mushroom Risotto
I love Chicken Mushroom Risotto, it’s one of those recipes that takes a bit to make them and require constant attention. I’ve hear of different…
Chicken Wrapped in Bacon with Bread Sauce and Devils on Horseback
I saw an episode of the F Word, and it featured this Chicken Wrapped in Bacon. It was made in pheasant instead of chicken but…
Roselle Rosemary Chicken
I made Roselle Rosemary Chicken using the roselle syrup we posted a while ago. This sauce would also go well with pork; it has a…
Guest Foodie: Jake Van Ness’ Chicken Pasta
This Chicken Pasta is a recipe 100% Jake. He wanted to make his own twisted version of lasagna meets Chicken Parmesan and it was a…