Looking for a snack to serve on movie night? This is a sweet and spicy popcorn you can easily make at home.
Foodies Freebie: Colección Fondos de Pantalla Noviembre 2013
November 2013 Wallpaper Collection. Wallpapers for your Desktop, iPad, iPad Mini and iPhone (all Retina and iOS7 friendly).
Galletas de Chocolate con Relleno Cremoso
Crispy Chocolate Cookies and creamy vanilla filling. We can’t think of a better pairing for a tall glass of cold milk.
Pastel de Frutas de Manzana & Ruibarbo con Toping Crujiente
This Crumble Cake is perfect for an afternoon with your friends, or as I found out, as a very different birthday cake!
Especial Foodies de Halloween 2013
Este año estamos compartiéndoles varias recetas tanto del 2013 así como recetas que publicamos en años anteriores. Como estamos traduciendo recetas que hemos publicado desde el 2010, les queremos compartir las que ya están listas en inglés y español. Tenemos desde aperitivos, sopas, bebidas, clásicas…
Gelatina con Ojos
Try this Eyeball Jello, a spooky and healthier treat for this Halloween!
Quiche Lorraine de Julia Child
Our second Julia Child recipe, this Quiche Lorraine is the perfect dish to serve for brunch as you can prepare it ahead and with different variations!
Paletas de Momia
Looking for an easy Halloween treat? Give these Mummy Pops a try!
Muffins de Calabaza
Not overly sweet or overly pumpkinish, these Pumpkin Muffins are fall in a bite.