October 2014 Wallpaper Collection Free Download. Wallpapers for your Desktop, iPad, iPad Mini and iPhone (all Retina friendly).
Ensalada de Garbanzo y Albahaca Fresca
This is a really easy and fresh salad, perfect for summer days and it’s also a convenient make ahead recipe, you can prepare it the night before and it will taste even better! Aside from being delicious and fresh this is a very healthy dish.…
Arroz de Coliflor & Sofrito de Vegetales
Trying to keep away from carbs? You’ll love this Cauliflower Rice! Ok, it’s not really rice, but it’s a healthy option for a side dish in place of grains.
Blog Love: Septiembre 2014
We’re back with the September 2014 Blog Love: this time with recipes from all over the web!
Rellenitos de Plátano
This plantain dessert is called «rellenito de plátano», they are a staple in our local cooking and are made out of mashed cooked plantains, stuffed with sweetened refried beans. They are shaped into ovals, fried and then sprinkled with sugar and sometimes drizzled with cream.…
Corazones de Gelatina
This is a very easy recipe you can make with your kids at home. Just dissolve the jello packs in boiling water and let it set (be careful that the kids don’t get burned with the hot water). When they are done and you cut…
Guest Foodies: Matt Kearns
Meet Matt Kearns, from Fresh Menu Planner and The Main Dish. A classically trained Chef from Alberta, Canada with a functional outlook on food: Food is fuel, but it can also be delicious, without having to be complicated or expensive.
Magdalena Vegana de Chocolate
It’s the weekend! Bake this Chocolate Bundt Cake. No mixer or fancy equipment needed.
Básicos de Foodies: ¿Cuánta sal es suficiente?
Has this happened to you? You’re preparing a meal from a recipe you’re following and it’s time to add the salt. You check the recipe, but most of them will tell you to «add salt to taste». But how much?! It’s true that everyone has…
Nuestros Productos
Menús de Almuerzos o Cenas, Clase 03: Pollo Rostizado (ESPAÑOL)
$13.00 Añadir al carrito -
Menús de Almuerzos o Cenas, Clase 02: Róbalo con Mango y Naranja (ESPAÑOL)
$13.00 Añadir al carrito -
Menús de Almuerzos o Cenas, Clase 04: Fajitas de Carne (ESPAÑOL)
$13.00 Añadir al carrito -
Meal Prep Fácil – ESPAÑOL
$23.00 Añadir al carrito