Our second recipe for our Christmas Special, are these Oatmeal Spice & Chocolate Cookies. You can make these fragrant cookies in advance as well. You can easily substitute the chocolate chips by raisins, chopped nuts or skip it all together. I liked that its such…
Galletas de Melaza
Se vinieron las fiestas, y este año estaremos compartiendo 4 nuevas recetas. En esta ocasión, estuve horneando todo un día con Dan, una amiga que vive fuera y nos juntamos a platicar y preparar galletas… ¡Fue perfecto! Estuvimos horneando y platicando… pero lo mejor que…
Foodies Freebie: Colección Fondos de Pantalla Diciembre 2017
Foodies Freebies: December 2017 Wallpaper Collection at The Foodies’ Kitchen, a free download of wallpaper collection for your Desktop, Tablet and Phone.
Pequeños Foodies: Cubiletes de Muñeco de Nieve
A fun activity for the kids to make at home, these Snowman Cupcakes are cute and perfect to make with store-bought items!
Chocolate Caliente Casero
This is perfect homemade Hot Chocolate recipe, using unsweetened cocoa and whole milk, and soon it will be a family favorite at home!
Happy Hour: Coctel de Ginebra con Pera y Semillas de Hinojo
The fennel seeds give off a delicious and warm flavor, so a little goes a long way. They have an anise-like flavor profile, which combines perfectly with the sweetness of the pear. We recommend you use bosc pears, since they are sweeter.
Foodies Freebie: Colección Fondos de Pantalla Noviembre 2017
Foodies Freebies: August 2017 Wallpaper Collection at The Foodies’ Kitchen, a free download of wallpaper collection for your Desktop, Tablet and Phone.
Espagueti de Halloween
We saw this idea on Pinterest, and we almost immediately tried it out! I mean, black spaghetti that tastes like regular pasta, and won’t stain your mouth? Yes! We wanted to check it out for ourselves, to see if it really worked, or if it…
Happy Hour: El Cuervo
It’s Halloween season, so of course our Happy Hour recipe is going to be a dark cocktail that you can make for your friends at your next bash. This time, we are sharing a recipe in which we used Ron Botran Reserva Blanca, which is…