There are a few tips and tricks to ensuring success with a caramel recipe. For this caramel recipe, you don’t have to worry too much about crystallization, since we are adding corn syrup right from the start.
Foodies Freebie: Colección Fondos de Pantalla Noviembre 2018
Foodies Freebies: November 2018 Wallpaper Collection at The Foodies’ Kitchen, a free download of wallpaper collection for your Desktop, Tablet and Phone.
Pequeños Foodies: Sándwich de Arcoíris
For this grilled cheese recipe you will need the cheese to be shredded, because in this version we add vegetable coloring to make it fun for children to eat. You can take advantage of the end of the year festivities to add colors in autumn…
Pequeños Foodies: Pastel de Toronja y Harina de Maíz
The flavor of the cake with its grapefruit juice is tangy, so the icing on top makes it perfectly balanced. We used extra poppy seeds to give it more of a Halloween vibe, and enjoyed it as a dessert to have over coffee in the…
Ensalada con Carne
Looking for a healthy but filling meal? This steak salad (and its variation) will make you love your greens again!
Pan de Banano & Coco
This banana bread, aside using over ripe bananas, also has a touch of butterscotch and uses coconut oil instead of butter.
Foodies Freebie: Colección Fondos de Pantalla Octubre 2018
Foodies Freebies: October 2018 Wallpaper Collection at The Foodies’ Kitchen, a free download of wallpaper collection for your Desktop, Tablet and Phone.
Pequeños Foodies: Postre de Piña con Chocolate y Helado
This Ice Cream & Pineapple Chocolate Dessert is an easy dish that kids can prepare at home. It’s basically pineapple slices covered with semi-sweet chocolate. And with this base you can make different variations of this dessert. One option is to cut the slices really…
Galette de Zucchini
A galette or rustic pie, is the perfect way for a no-fuss cooking session. This Zucchini Galette has 3 different cheeses and zucchini, and our quick tip of the day: use store bought puff pastry!