I just got a herb garden! It’s growing beautifully and I am really enjoying using my own fresh herbs for my recipes. No more expensive little bags from the grocery store!
Preguntas de Lectores: Donde comprar y como cuidar los sartenes de hierro fundido
We got a few questions from our Southern Cornbread (with Cayenne Pepper), specifically from the cast iron molds used on the recipe and how to take care of them.
Ensalada de Kiwi, Fresas y Espinaca
I’ve been in the mood of a summery salad, and there’s nothing more summery than Kiwis and Strawberries. At first I thought of this as a very sweet fruit salad, but when combining them in this Kiwi, Strawberry and Spinach Salad along with the vinaigrette,…
Vinagreta Balsámica
This is a Foodies’ original. I love asking for Balsamic Vinaigrette at restaurants, and figured it shouldn’t be so hard to make.
Pudín de Arroz con Vainilla para Niños
This is a good Vanilla Rice Pudding for Toddlers, especially on cold days. It is not too sweet, and if you can find vanilla pods I recommend you use that.
Papas Rojas Doradas
This Browned Red Potatoes recipe a no brainer, easy recipe to start right before you start up your main dish, since it browns for a bit and the potatoes take a bit to cook.
Higos en Syrup de Anís
I wanted to try to make my own Figs in Star Anise Syrup and I finally got a hold on some fresh ones I could cook.
Pan Sureño de Maíz (con Pimienta Cayena)
I was in the mood for some Southern Cornbread, I even got the cast iron pan with the little corn on the cob molds to make it. The added cayenne pepper gives it a hint of heat and a little kick.
Res a la Borgoñona (en Olla de Cocimiento Lento)
I made Beef Bourguignon without Mushrooms I didn’t have any at home, but decided to try the recipe anyway, I did add one peeled potato, cut into squares. Prep time is just 15 minutes!
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