I found this great gratin potato recipe, which I adapted by mixing purple potatoes and regular potatoes. I would recommend that you add bacon. I din’t have any at home, but the original recipe did call for it.
Guest Foodie: Edith Paiz & Papas Moradas Presionadas con Tenedor
This is the Fork Crushed Purple Potatoes recipe from Smitten Kitchen that our friend Edith made and shared with us her pictures!
Pastel de Manzana
This is an amazingly easy apple cake to prepare- and you’ll be surprised on how fast you’ll prepare it. What takes most of the time, is peeling and dicing of the apples. The batter doesn’t take much time to make. As apples start to be…
Galletas con Chispas de Butterscotch & Trozos de Chocolate
It was friday afternoon, and we were just sitting around so I decided to bake these Butterscotch & Chocolate Chunk Cookies to get Kristen busy (that’s her). She’s really gotten into it lately, so of course, I want to encourage her. I wanted something quick,…
Guatemalan Recipe Collection
We have gathered our collection of Guatemalan and Guatemalan inspired dishes in honor of our Independence Day, which we will celebrate this September 15th. We hope our friends from abroad will get inspired to try some of these recipes themselves. Some of them are not…
Canillitas de Leche
Of all the Guatemalan Artisan Candies, the Canillitas de Leche are the most popular and a trademark from our country. Made from milk, sugar and cinnamon, these are the most popular sweets in Guatemala. They are called like this because of its long shape.
Tamalitos de Chipilín
September is here, and just like last year, we wanted to share with you our typical Guatemalan dishes. This recipe is for «Tamalitos de Chipilín». A tamal is a traditional Latin American dish made of masa (corn dough) which is wrapped in corn husks or…
Colaboración Foodies: Running21
A few weeks ago, the team from Running21 contacted us to feature The Foodies’ Kitchen as one of their collaborators! We feature Two recipes! These are recipes that were a bit modified for the magazine, leaving out the Couscous from the Lemon Chicken and replaced…