The Pita Sandwich is great for a light supper. The olive cheese is very flavorful and it balances out with all the vegetables in the…
Category: Vegetales, Ensaladas & Aderezos
133 Results
Vegetales, Ensaladas & Aderezos
Ensalada de Kiwi, Fresas y Espinaca
I’ve been in the mood of a summery salad, and there’s nothing more summery than Kiwis and Strawberries. At first I thought of this as…
Vinagreta Balsámica
This is a Foodies’ original. I love asking for Balsamic Vinaigrette at restaurants, and figured it shouldn’t be so hard to make.
Papas Rojas Doradas
This Browned Red Potatoes recipe a no brainer, easy recipe to start right before you start up your main dish, since it browns for a…
Res a la Borgoñona (en Olla de Cocimiento Lento)
I made Beef Bourguignon without Mushrooms I didn’t have any at home, but decided to try the recipe anyway, I did add one peeled potato,…
Pan de Espinaca
I am always looking for ways to sneak vegetables in our everyday cooking, not only so my daughter eats them, but for us too. The…
Tacos Veraniegos de Mango y Aguacate
One of the best times to look for fresh fruit and veggies is the summer. Being from Latin America, I’m used to having most of…
Espárragos Asados
I’m used to have the asparagus just boiled and cooked, so I wanted to do something different. The Grilled Asparagus are a mash-up between a…
Ensalada de Remolacha y Naranja con Vinagreta Cítrica
I have always enjoyed beet salad. Just lemon and salt is perfect for me, but I wanted to try out the combination of beets and…