This is the Fork Crushed Purple Potatoes recipe from Smitten Kitchen that our friend Edith made and shared with us her pictures!
Category: Vegetales, Ensaladas & Aderezos
133 Results
Vegetales, Ensaladas & Aderezos
Ensalada de Sandía, Manchego y Jamón Serrano con una reducción de vino Pedro Ximénez
Sounds interesting, right? This salad is amazing. I was taught to make it by Chef Mario Campollo, this is his recipe. Well, sort of… I…
Grilled Asparagus
I don’t think I’ll ever steam asparagus again! I tried this method a few weeks ago, and we loved them. They are so much more…
Papas Moradas Rostizadas
Purple potatoes have deep violet, ink-colored skin and flesh. Aside from their color, purple potatoes are quite similar to Russet potatoes. Dry, starchy and slightly…
Oven Baked French Fries
I LOVE french fries, but I don’t like the idea of cooking them in a pool of oil splattering all over my kitchen, much less…
Ceviche de Hongos
Ceviche is more commonly known as a seafood dish, marinated in citrus juice. This is prepared in the same way, except you use mushrooms. We…
Frituras de maíz
Como de costumbre, compré demasiadas verduras y tenía un exceso de maíz en mi refrigerador. Me preguntaba si debería tratar de hacer atol… mmm, no.…
Shaved Asparagus Pizza
We love pizza, and the one who usually does the magic with it is Jake. I rarely cook pizza because honestly, his pizzas rock. I…
Scalloped Potatoes
This is a classic-all american side dish. Jake absolutely loves Scalloped Potatoes and I didn’t want to make them out of a box. There’s something…