September is here, and just like last year, we wanted to share with you our typical Guatemalan dishes. This recipe is for «Tamalitos de Chipilín».…
Category: Recetas Guatemaltecas
56 Results
Recetas Guatemaltecas
Ensalada de Sandía, Manchego y Jamón Serrano con una reducción de vino Pedro Ximénez
Sounds interesting, right? This salad is amazing. I was taught to make it by Chef Mario Campollo, this is his recipe. Well, sort of… I…
Pollo con Salsa de Tomate Criolla
Creole Guatemalan Tomato Sauce is used in our country to eat «tostadas», which are crisp corn tortillas covered in sauce, sprinkled with cilantro and powdered…
Fresco de Piña
Guess what? I forgot to take the picture of the finished recipe…. but you’ll get the idea. It looks sort of like yellow iced tea.…
Ponche de Frutas Guatemalteco
Everybody prepares fruit punch for Christmas in Guatemala, and like everything else in our country, everyone has their own special recipe. I made this last…
Caramelized Plantain Pancakes (Panqueques de platano)
For the Caramelized Plantain Pancakes, I used caramelized plantains and our basic homemade pancake recipe. Try them! You won’t be sorry.
Guest Foodie: Mariano Blanding’s Gallo Beer and Michelada
Guatemalan week cannot be complete if we don’t mention Michelada and our local beer, Cerveza Gallo. This is the beer we drink for our birthday,…
Dobladas de Queso
Dobladas de Queso are one of those dishes than can be eaten at any time of day. It could be part of a lunch if…
As with all heritage recipes, there are many versions Kaq’-ik. It is essentialy turkey legs cooked in a red broth made of tomatoes, spices and…