
Sesame Ginger Chicken Meatballs

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Chicken meatballs are so versatile, you can add in many different types of hers, spices and chopped vegetables and they work with any type of sauce, be it Italian or Asian style. We like baking them because it is more practical, but you can pan fry them for about 6 minutes on each side until they are golden brown and almost cooked through.  They will finish cooking when they are simmering in the sauce.

Sesame Ginger Meatballs

When mixing the ground chicken with the other ingredients, you will notice that the mixture is soft. It is not quite as firm as when you work with beef meatballs.  Use a scoop to portion out about ¼ to 1/3 of the mixture and use your hand to try to form them into balls. We have found that wetting your hands with water makes it easier to shape the meatballs.

This is an easy and delicious weekday meal that is always a hit at our house, we like serving it with white rice and sometimes we pair it with a side of steamed broccoli or a cucumber salad. We hope you try it!


Sesame Ginger Chicken Meatballs

Yields: 6 servings

Ingredients, for the meatballs:
2 lb. ground chicken meat
½ cup breadcrumbs
1 egg, lightly beaten
4 garlic cloves, minced
1 tablespoon minced fresh ginger
4 scallion stalks, thinly sliced
¼ cup chopped cilantro
½ teaspoon white pepper
1 teaspoon kosher salt
cooking spray

Ingredients, for the sauce:
⅓ cup soy sauce
⅔ cup water
¼ cup mirin
⅓ cup honey
3 garlic cloves, minced
2 tablespoons minced fresh ginger
1 tablespoon sesame seeds
2 teaspoons sesame oil
1 tablespoon corn starch


  1. Preheat oven to 400ºF. Line two medium cookie sheets with parchment paper.
  2. Combine all the meatball ingredients together in a medium bowl and mix using a spatula or your hands until it is all well incorporated.
  3. Use a cookie scoop to portion the meatballs evenly and try to shape them into balls by hand, the mixture will be soft. Place the meatballs on the prepared baking sheet. If you want, you can lightly spray them will cooking oil, this will help them brown in the oven.
  4. Bake for 20 minutes until they start to look golden brown.
  5. While the meatballs cook, combine the sauce ingredients in a bowl and whisk until smooth. Pour them into a large nonstick skillet and bring to a simmer for 5 minutes at low heat, until thick.
  6. Add the meatballs to the sauce and simmer another 6-8 minutes, tossing to coat the meatballs in the sauce and turning them halfway through. Serve over white rice.

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Sesame Ginger Meatballs
Sesame Ginger Meatballs
Sesame Ginger Meatballs
Sesame Ginger Meatballs
Sesame Ginger Meatballs

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This post is also available in / Esta entrada también está disponible en ESPAÑOL (SPANISH)

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