Blog Love: May 2015 – 100% Guatemala Edition

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Hello all!

Thank you for being part of these amazing 5 years, keeping us company in our kitchens, testing with us some amazing recipes, and giving us great ideas through Instagram. Now, its time for the world to know how great Guatemalan bloggers are, so this month’s Blog Love is dedicated to our friends’ blogs so you can get to know them too. We divided them into different categories: Cooking, Dining, Moms & Communities and Fashion.

We have so many talented bloggers in our beloved Guatemala that we wanted to share them with the world! Make sure to visit their blogs, some of them are in english as well. If not, you can always use Chrome and their instant translator tool.

A few days left to enter our Contest! All the prizes are here. One winner takes all!

Do you want to see your favorite blog in this space, or a shout out to your own? Drop us a line right here in the comments or through our contact page.

Helga & Kitty



Sweet Brooklyn


Moms & Community:

  • Ser Mama En GuateSer Mamá en Guate, a blog that will be launching soon, so in the meantime follow them on Facebook and Instagram.
  • Mundo de Mamá, a community where Nancy talks everything about being a Mom to her two girls.
  • Cosas de Wiros, a blog recently launched after they created a great moms community that grew from a Facebook Group under the same name.


  • NY is ForNY is for Nando Yax, Nando gives you the in from everything fashion in Central America and the world.
  • Tendensia, by Stephanie and Natalia, where they blog about everything going on in their lives. Also they happen to be amazingly fashionable.
  • Fashion from A to Z, by fashion designer Amparo and her photographer brother Rodrigo Zepeda.
  • Stephanie’s Closet, a fashion blog by Stephanie Moreno, featuring many talented photographers from Guatemala.
  • Fashion District, a fashion blog where style, talent and culture meet. Curated and maintained by Sorel Muñóz.
  • PetitGraphie, by Diana ST, a blog about fashion, motherhood and multifaceted women.

© 2015 – 2020, The Foodies’ Kitchen. All rights reserved | Todos los derechos reservados

This post is also available in / Esta entrada también está disponible en ESPAÑOL (SPANISH)

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