Foodies Freebie: August 2014 Wallpaper Collection

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This month on our August 2014 Wallpaper Collection we feature these eggs. Aren’t they just gorgeous? No matter which eggs are your favorite, always buy fresh eggs. If you want to know about the difference about white vs. brown eggs, you can read all about it in one of our earlier posts here. Now, a few tips on eggs:

Freshness: To test the freshness of eggs, fill a bowl with water and place an egg in it.

  • If the egg lies on its side, its extremely fresh.
  • If the egg stands up, it’s not as fresh and should be eaten soon.
  • If it floats to the top of the bow, discard it as it is no longer fresh.
  • When you break the egg, it’s yolk should be round, perky and bright yellow. If the eggs have some days already on them, the egg whites becomes runny and the yolk will be flat and slightly pale.


  • On the countertop at room temperature is just fine. Specially if your eggs are organic.
  • If you are in the US or Canada, you need to refrigerate the eggs. This because the USDA requires that all of the eggs are power-washed, removing all organic matter, stripping the egg’s shell of its protective coating. Also, since the stores sells them refrigerated, you must keep them in the fridge as well.

How long to keep them:

  • We suggest up to 3 weeks from the purchase date.
  • Check the pack date and sell-by date, those are two different things. Pack date is when the eggs were washed, graded and packed. Sell-by date is the latest date that the stores can carry the eggs at the store.
  • If the eggs you buy have an Expiration date, you can use the eggs until that date is reached. But, since they are not fresh, is better to use them for hard-boiled eggs rather than poached.

We hope our tips help you out in the kitchen. To get more tips like this, you can follow us in all our different channels: Facebook, Google+, Twitter, Pinterest and Instagram.

You can download the complete August 2014 Wallpaper Collection for your Desktop, iPad, iPad Mini and iPhone (all Retina and iOS7 friendly).

Helga & Kitty

Foodies Freebie: August 2014 Wallpaper Collection

Foodies Freebie: August 2014 Wallpaper Collection

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Foodies Freebie: August 2014 Wallpaper Collection

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Foodies Freebie: August 2014 Wallpaper Collection

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Foodies Freebie: August 2014 Wallpaper Collection

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Foodies Freebie: August 2014 Wallpaper Collection

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© 2014 – 2020, The Foodies’ Kitchen. All rights reserved | Todos los derechos reservados

This post is also available in / Esta entrada también está disponible en ESPAÑOL (SPANISH)

Comments (2)

  • Karla

    August 5, 2014 at 7:09 am

    Gracias por compartir todos los consejos y recetas, son tan útiles!! en lo personal me encantan estos post siempre espero con ansias cual será el próximo….

  • Kitty

    August 5, 2014 at 8:13 am

    Gracias Karla! Estamos preparando ya los próximos posts! :)

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