Interview with VeraLu, from Estilo Culinario
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Estilo Culinario is a guatemalan reality show where 14 foodies compete weekly showing off their culinary abilities to get to the final on June 8. Each challenge is judged by a culinary team set up by NuChef. VeraLu was one of The Foodies’ Kitchen first followers and supporters, and when we found out that she was part of this show, we were thrilled. So, it was only natural that we would interview her! Keep on reading, and catch the entire interview with VeraLu with The Foodies’ Kitchen.
Helga & Kitty
Hello VeraLu, congratulations on being part of the top 5 of Estilo Culinario! How can you describe your experience in the reality show?
VeraLu: In a word, amazing. I never imagined competing in something like this, and much less being part of the top 5 contestants. It’s very exciting and at the same time, I am terrified before entering the kitchen each week.
For our readers who are not familiar with the reality, How does Estilo Culinario work?
VeraLu: Estilo Culinario is a Reality Show. Miraflores, shopping mall who’s the main sponsor, made an open casting call, inviting everyone who loved to cook, sending pictures or recipes of their own creations. Then, they picked 14 contestants. I am part of those 14 people, and each week they give us a challenge, instructions and ingredients just minutes before heading to the kitchen. We have to make a dish, it can be an appetizer, a main course or a dessert, depending on the rules of each challenge. Each week they send home some of the contestants. There are 5 professional chefs who are the ones who decide which contestants stay and which leave.
Can you share what’s your favorite recipe made in Estilo Culinario?
VeraLu: Definitely the dessert of our first challenge. It was complete improvised. They gave us 5 ingredients: green apples, rum, cinnamon, sugar and cream cheese. I had to be quick on my feet and figure it out, and the result was exquisite. I don’t know what to call it, but definitely my favorite.
After Estilo Culinario (were we hope you’re crowned as winner!), Do you plan to focus more in cooking? You definitely have an eye and taste for it!
VeraLu: It would be amazing to win, but no matter if I win or lose, I believe that I really want to cook more. It’s definitely something that I’ve wanted to pursue. Being a contestant has shown me that can do it, and that I want to do it. My wish to go after my cooking dream is more alive now than ever, and I plan to take it seriously. I want to wrap on some cooking training and make a living of it.
How has your perspective changed towards food and cooking since you entered Estilo Culinario?
VeraLu: The love for food has always been a part of me, but really having to create something in the spur of the moment, is what really has changed. I thought I needed every single ingredient and tools to prepare amazing dishes, but I’m noticing that I have creativity to do much with just a little. I feel free and not following the rule when it comes to cooking.
Now, a few more relaxed questions… Do you remember how old were you when you first were interested in cooking? Do you remember what you first made?
VeraLu: I can’t remember a moment where I wasn’t in the kitchen, but I do remember being there every time, either watching or helping. I do remember what I first made: I put together a frosting for a cake my mom baked. My mom baked all of our birthday cakes and she would let me help her. So yeah, I made a cake!
What’s your perfect dinner menu?
VeraLu: If it’s at home, two things. I love soups. The idea of something warm and full of flavor to have at night is perfect. And I don’t know if it’s more as we’re used to it, but a good coffee and a grilled cheese sandwich. If it’s eating out, then a good pasta.
What’s your dream date? And you can’t say your husband. It can be someone famous… Let your imagination fly!
VeraLu: Its going to seem very strange, but it’s Hanibbal‘s TV character (Mads Mikkelsen), who loves to cook and I think that a conversation with him would be extremely interesting and invigorating. Of course, leaving out the whole eating-human-flesh-thing. Since I know my first choice is somehow dark, I would love to have dinner with Sarah Jessica Parker. My other passion is fashion, so it would be a dream to share ideas while munching on something delicious.
What’s your favorite food related movie or TV show?
VeraLu: Food for Thought by Claire Thomas, The Delicious Miss Dahl that only got 8-10 episodes based on her cooking book, and my guilty pleasure, Top Chef.
What’s on your kitchen waiting for you to be cooked?
VeraLu: In my cupboard, there’s flour and bananas, screaming to be fritters, my new recipe, and I am obsessed to prepare it every time I can. In my fridge, I have Tilapia, that’s asking me to turn it into tacos or patties.
VeraLu, thanks so much for this interview! If you want to see the show Estilo Culinario live in Miraflores, you can see here the times and schedules of their free weekly workshops, and every sunday afternoon the show were VeraLu is cooking! So to all of our readers, we remind you that every monday the voting count resets, so #VoteforVeraLu at the Estilo Culinario site to help her win!
Pics courtesy of Estilo Culinario/Miraflores
© 2014 – 2020, The Foodies’ Kitchen. All rights reserved | Todos los derechos reservados
This post is also available in / Esta entrada también está disponible en ESPAÑOL (SPANISH)
Comments (7)
Joey Rangel
May 30, 2014 at 10:28 am
Es una excelente chef y compañera en el Reality, siempre se aprende algo nuevo de ella, soy su fan y dentro del Reality es un honor cocinar junto a ella, le deseo todo el éxito a Vera tiene el potencial para ser el estilo culinario Miraflores .
Hilda Cano
May 30, 2014 at 12:28 pm
The Foodies’ , thanks for this interview. You are an amazing blog and I’m proud of you!
May 30, 2014 at 1:35 pm
Thanks for your comment! When are you going to launch yours? We *love* the name!
May 30, 2014 at 1:40 pm
Joey, te deseamos mucha suerte y felicidades por ser parte de los Top 5 de Estilo Culinario!
Anelli Rodriguez
May 30, 2014 at 5:16 pm
Gracias Kitty por entrevistar a mi hermana la verdad es un orgullo y gran felicidad para la familia verla haciendo lo que más le gusta! y arriba el talento de Guate, me encanta el blog!
May 30, 2014 at 5:30 pm
Cómo no íbamos a entrevistarla! Es de veras un orgullo! Gracias por las palabras para el blog también, nos encanta Hype Style! :)
June 1, 2014 at 12:45 pm
Muy agradecida y feliz de compartir con ustedes esta entrevista. Muchos Exitos! Very happy and grateful to share this interview with you. Lots of succes!