Warm Drinks Roundup for the Chilly Season
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The end of year usually means shorter and chillier days that make us want to stay in bed a bit longer, longing for warm drinks. In Guatemala, we love to prepare Spiced Fruit Punch in this time of year. It’s a light and sweet drink that will warm you in no time. But what about the classic hot chocolate? Or even a grownup version with rum and Frangelico? We also have hot chocolate’s sister, called hot vanilla… a drink that will surprise you as much as it did us! And last but not least, the good ol’ Irish Coffee. You can’t go wrong there!
Kitty & Helga
Guatemalan Hot Chocolate
Guatemalan Spiced Fruit Punch
Spiked Hot Chocolate
Hot Vanilla
Corn Atole (Sweet Corn and Milk Beverage)
Homemade Pumpkin Coffee Creamer
Butterscotch Coffee
Vanilla Infused Coffee
Irish Coffee
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