Chicken with Mango & Kiwi Sauce

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So, one monday afternoon I wanted to make something really nice for dinner. I thought: Chicken with a Mango sauce (and a little kick of Cayenne pepper). Sounds harmless, right? Wrong.

I added Cayenne Pepper, tasted: not enough kick. Added a bit more, saw the paprika and thought… why not? A “kick to it” is an understatement. This was a sauce meant for spicy food lovers. We are not big on really spicy foods. With a kick, yes. Spicy, no. What to do?! I panicked- of course, and after a minute or so, we went online (I was chatting with Helga) and found this bit of advice “add more of every ingredient except the peppers”. I had used my two mangoes! What else can it go with this? Then I saw it on the fridge: Kiwis! Still spicy. Needed salt- but that was not the issue… What else… Think Kitty, think! Aha! Apple Cider Vinegar and a bit of orange juice.

That did the trick. Saved dinner and got a Foodies’ Original recipe all at once!

Chicken with Mango & Kiwi Sauce

Chicken with a Mango & Kiwi Sauce
A Foodies’ Original Recipe
Serves Three (or two very hungry guests)


2 ripe mangos, diced
2 ripe kiwis, diced
1 tablespoon of orange juice
2 tablespoons of Apple Cider Vinegar
1/2 teaspoon of cayenne pepper
1/4 teaspoon paprika
2 chicken breasts
1/2 teaspoon of Red peppercorns, ground
1/2 teaspoon of Sea Salt
1/2 teaspoon of Garlic powder
1 teaspoon of Rosemary Leaves


  1. Dice the chicken breasts and mix with the ground red peppercorns, salt, garlic powder and rosemary leaves. Set aside.
  2. Cut the peeled kiwis to 1/2 inch slices and then on half. This will make it easier to remove the kiwi’s seeds with a spoon. I’ve made this recipe twice and the seeds add a bit of bitterness to it.
  3. Using a food processor or a blender, combine the mangos and kiwis. A few pulses should do.
  4. Add the fruit sauce to a hot pan on medium heat, and sprinkle the cayenne pepper and paprika on top. Let it cook for about 5 minutes.
  5. Add the orange juice and apple cider vinegar. Reduce heat to low.
  6. Toss the chicken with a teaspoon of olive oil, and cook them over medium heat, letting them get brown on the sides.
  7. To serve, put some mango and kiwi sauce on the plate, place the chicken on top and garnish with parsley.

Chicken with Mango & Kiwi Sauce

Chicken with Mango & Kiwi Sauce

Chicken with Mango & Kiwi Sauce

Chicken with Mango & Kiwi Sauce

Chicken with Mango & Kiwi Sauce

Chicken with Mango & Kiwi Sauce

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This post is also available in / Esta entrada también está disponible en ESPAÑOL (SPANISH)

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